Saturday, July 05, 2008

Our fascination with vampires

Ok, so I'm reading Stephenie Meyer's Twilight. What's it to you?!

No, really, it's pretty interesting ... and not just because I'm a 15-year-old girl at heart. Granted, the writing can use some work. And granted, I don't get anything out of Edward's beautiful topaz-colored eyes. But Ms. Meyers took vampirism in a new direction with this one, and I like that.

I can't say too much without giving plot away, so I won't. But it's got me thinking about vampires and our fascination with them.

As far as I can tell, the reason we are intrigued by vampire stories more than other monster stories is because vampires are less "monstrous" than other monsters, like zombies or werewolves or Swamp Thing. Who wants to be a zombie? Vampires are human in form, but with superhuman abilities. Wouldn't you want to be able to move incredibly fast, or fly, or be impervious to nearly everything?

As I see it, the only real drawbacks to being a vampire is the fact that vampires are, 1) evil, and 2) killers.

In response: If you take religion out of the equation they are no longer evil--they are merely instinctual. And, as to the latter point, well ... most of us still eat meat even though we feel bad for the chicken.


Anonymous said...

As I see it, the only real drawbacks to being a vampire is the fact that vampires are, 1) evil, and 2) killers.

...But most women are like that anyway so...

yamsey said...

I'm so proud fo you! I tried to get John to read Twilight and he pretty much laughed his head off. I LOVE the whole series. I think Stephenie does a really cool thing by taking a creature that is intrinsically evil and having some of them choose to be good. Human nature vs nature itself. Glad you aren't swooning over Edward's topaz eyes, we would all be a little worried about you if you did!

Jared said...

Yes, but I WANT topaz eyes.

If I'm ever God...I'm going to have WAY too much fun.

Anonymous said...

Edward Cullen can bite me any time...

Dan Dorman said...

No thanks! I got burned out on the whole vampires-as-protagonists thing after reading too many of Anne Rice's vampire books--way too much melodrama. From what Marci's told me about Twilight, it's even sappier. I have to admit that some of the author's tweaks to vampire mythology were pretty neat, though (at least what I heard).

Kristy said...

I love Twilight. And it's not for Edward's topaz eyes--he bugs me and I think he's kind of a jerk. Whatever--every girl who might read this is going to hunt me down for saying that! You should try "The Host" by Ms. Meyer. The writing is ok, but the idea of the story is really interesting. At least I thought so! Happy reading!