Wednesday, July 09, 2008

100 Things Jared

I've decided to take up the guantlet.

1) I'm 6 feet tall, but everyone thinks I'm taller.
2) I want to lose 20 lbs and be "lean" instead of "stocky".
3) I usually like myself.
4) I'm almost never angry or depressed.
5) Life's too beautiful to be depressed
6) ...even its dark aspects.
7) I write bad poetry.
8) I've always lost myself in books.
9) My favorite food are frozen burritos.
10) I don't share my writing except with certain people and only occasionally.
11) I keep a journal.
12) I wish I was brave enough to write everything in it.
13) I'm too afraid of what people will think when they read it.
14) I've almost destroyed my journals.
15) I never go back and read them.
16) I make lists.
17) I make To-Do lists on scraps of paper, Word documents, etc.
18) I eventually combine them into Master To-Do lists.
19) I have incomplete To-Do items from 10 years ago.
20) My favorite books are Watership Down, Lord of the Flies, and The Fountainhead.
21) They've remained unchanged for 8 years.
22) I've read Watership Down 7 or 8 times. I've read Lord of the Flies 14 times. I've only read The Fountainhead once.
23) My favorite Pop Tarts are Brown Sugar Cinnamon.
24) My favorite color is gray.
25) I fall asleep when people cut my hair.
26) My favorite TV show is "Mythbusters".
27) I love to cook (I feel like I'm creating something ex nihilo).
29) I shave my arms and legs with hair clippers.
30) I sleep with a fan on.
31) I have Rocky American flag shorts.
32) I surprise Chrissa, occasionally, by wearing them.
33) I jump out, do a boxing dance, sing the Rocky theme song, then run out.
34) I have "baby fever".
35) I'm already naming my kids.
36) I have insomnia.
37) When I get it, I have to sleep on the floor.
38 I was agnostic from high school through college.
39 I'm Mormon, now, but still have doubts about God and heaven.
40) I'm DEEPLY pariotic.
41) Cooked peas and carrots make me throw up.
42) I was a vegetarian for almost 2 months.
43) I don't like to kill things...even insects.
44) And yet, I like to deer hunt.
45) I justify it philosophically.
46) I like crossword puzzles and logic puzzles.
47) My favorite magazine is National Geographic.
48) I used to look for patterns in license plates until Chrissa said it was a sign of schizophrenia.
49) I sometimes feel schizophrenic.
50) I love word etymologies.
51) I love to camp.
52) I used to want to run away and hitchhike around the world
53) ...but I didn't want my family to worry.
54) ...and now I have a job.
55) I love vivid dreams and even nightmares.
56) I kept a dream journal for over a year.
57) My favorite building is the Blue Mosque, in Istanbul.
58) I love earthquakes.
59) (even though I'm afraid when I'm in one)
60) I'm afraid of deep water.
61) I swim further out than anyone else.
62) I do it to face my fear.
63) I love to sail. I love the ocean.
64) My dream would be to live in our cottage at Nags Head, NC, year round.
65) I want to visit Switzerland, Ireland, Scotland, Prague and Budapest.
66) I fell in love with my best friend
67) She's more gorgeous than Nicole Kidman, Angelina Jolie, and Juliette Binoche, all rolled into one.
68) My favorite thing about her is her laugh.
69) My favorite dessert is a three-way tie between Robert Redford Dessert, Strawberry Shortcake, and Better-Than-Sex Cake.
70) Though a good milk shake beats them all.
71) I think of myself as a movie and music connoisseur...but I'm probably just a snob.
72) I keep a list of all the books I've ever read.
73) There are 540 books on it.
74) I'm not at all afraid of heights.
75) I'm not at all afraid of death.
76) I used to sunbathe in the undeveloped land behind my house.
77) I love to be naked, but only by myself.
78) I'm not a night or a morning person.
79) I love schmoozing people's parents.
80) My favorite poets are TS Eliot, Billy Collins, Pablo Neruda, and Stephen Crane.
81) My favorite sculptor is Rodin.
82) I adore scars and stories.
83) The best feeling is when it's cold out and I have a blanket.
84) I can hear very quiet sounds, like background music from the kitchen, in a restaurant.
85) I rely too much on other people's opinions.
86) I don't like infinity or eternity.
87) I want a tattoo but am disgusted by them.
88) I can't grow a mustache or a beard.
89) My first movie memory is Pinocchio.
90) I cried when the whale appeared.
91) It's one of my very first memories.
92) My favorite place to bathe is under the stars.
93) I can't STAND typos.
94) I have no sense of direction.
95) Dandelions are my favorite flowers.
96) I've gotten in 2 fist fights in my life.
97) My favorite cars are 'stangs and Jeeps.
98) The quickest way to make me uncomfortable is to talk behind someone's back.
99) I'm the 5th of 7 kids.
100) I talk too much.


Anonymous said...

101) I give the best hugs.
102) And my wife loves me more than anything.

Anonymous said...

Bah! Update, update!!

Anonymous said...

Did you see the new Harry Potter trailer? Let's hope this one is good, though I did have a dream the other night in which I saw the movie and Dumbledore lived. I remember being pretty miffed about that :)