Saturday, August 12, 2006

Moving pictures

On the screen roll by the pictures
moving pictures, without sound
black and white, gray and white
moving pictures, without sound.
There's a projector turning, whirring,
projecting from a projector's booth
pictures formed from threads of whiteness
pictures woven from the night.
There's no body in the theater.
There's no eye to see the show--
only ticket stubs collected
only popcorn on the floor
only cups with smears of lipstick
only a battered paper bag
only a crayon box, discarded
only a straw and plastic lid
only a magazine, forgotten
only seats and empty seats
only an empty movie theater
only an empty movie theater
only an empty movie theater
only a picture.
Moving pictures.


Marci said...

Are the picture & words by "Jared"?

Where's the pic's cool?

Anonymous said...

It seems like words by J ... interesting visual image, the empty movie theater, only the projector running. They must have been watching X-Men 3.

(The word "Oprah" appears in my word verification today. Ugh: has a new era of text-based advertising begun? Buying ad space inside of text verification? I should patent the idea right now!)

Jared said...

Words=old poem I wrote. Picture=cool pic I found looking in google images under "empty theater".

I'm not that good I'm too impatient to use a tripod.

My comment has been sponsored by "Txafbl".