Sunday, June 11, 2006

Listmania: The Best Movie Fight Scenes

Listmania: The Best Movie Fight Scenes
One rule: The fight had to be with fists or a guns

No way I could limit it to just ten...

11) Return of the Jedi -- I thought I'd start with a classic. The final fight scene between Luke and Darth Vader.

10) Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon -- I didn't like this movie, but the fight scene between Michelle Yeoh and Ziyi Zhang in the weapons room was pretty awesome!

9) Grosse Pointe Blanke -- John Cussack, Benny the Jet, a bloody pen.

8) The Matrix -- The subway fight scene.

7) The Phantom Menace -- When Darth Maul fights two jedi with a double-bladed lightsaber. Sweet.

6) Gladiator -- The part in the woods when they're going to execute Maximus...oh yeah, and the rest of the movie.

5) Fight Club -- When Edward Norton beats himself up in front of his boss.

4) The Bourne Identity -- Matt Damon and a bloody pen (also the part in the American Embassy)

3) The Last Samurai -- Two parts: 1) Where Tom Cruise, weaponless, figures out an entire fight against 4-5 assassins before he carries it out, 2) The ninja attack

2) Snatch -- The final boxing match, where Brad Pitt goes horizontal

1) Rumble in the Bronx -- The 10-minute pool room fight scene, you end up feeling out of breath just watching it!

Honorable mentions: Braveheart (the final battle), The Road Warrior (final fight scene - it had too many guns to be able to count it), Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story (the 1-minute fight), Indiana Jones: The Last Crusade (the fight on the tank), The Lord of the Rings (the Boromir death scene--or any number of other scenes), and Raising Arizona (where John Goodman is fighting Nick Cage in the trailer home and they keep punching the walls and ceiling by accident)


Anonymous said...

A very good list--I agree with all of your selections.

I would've added the climactic fight from Drunken Master 2, also featuring Jackie Chan.

I would also have to add one of the many beautiful fights from Hero with Jet Li; let's say the first fight twixt Nameless and Sky (the one with the water droplets and the old dude on Chinese guitar).

And while the Matrix sequels don't hold a candle to the first one, the fight between Morpheus and the agent on top of the moving semi was pretty awesome.

Anonymous said...

Good additions Dan.

I have to agree that the fight scene at the end of Drunken Master 2 is better than the one in Rumble (I know you didn't exactly say that, but we both know it's true).

Have to add the entire end part of Best of the Best.

The entire movie Blood Sport is one long great fight scene.

I could go on and on, I have seen my fair share as well.

Jared said...

Thanks, you guys, for your input. I must say that I've never seen Drunken Master 2 but have heard good things about it. As to Blood Sport and...well, I gave up on Van Damme following the part in Hard Target where he swings from the rafters blowing people away with a pistol while they can't hit him with machine guns. Oh yeah, or the way he'll run across a room and kick a guy holding a shotgun and THEN shoot him on the ground.

Jet Li's a tough call. On the one hand, you can almost SEE the wires when he fights. On the other hand, Hero was a decent movie from an artistic angle and some of the fight scenes were beautiful if not realistic [ahem]. I even considered it in the same way I considered Crouching Tiger...I'm not sure why I left it out. Probably because I could only bring myself to see it once, while I saw Crouching Tiger I remember the latter's fight scenes more vividly.

Oh yeah, someone's gotta show me how to make things italics in the comments section...