Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Criminal nature

I little while ago I asked Chrissa which crime she would commit if she could commit a crime just once and get away with it. She said she would launder money.

I then asked her what crime she would commit if she were to commit a crime FULL TIME and get away with it. She said she would be a pickpocket...except she would return their wallets to them in the mail. She would leave their money and credit cards but would take any interesting odds and ends without monetary value.

Personally, I would be a cat burgler. There's something to be said for the intelligence and planning involved in being a big time cat burgler. Plus I could select only wealthy people and steal paintings and jewels and insured things.

I can't remember what my "one-time" crime was. If I were to choose one now, I'd say hangliding in downtown Manhattan or parachuting (base jumping) off the Golden Gate bridge.


shasta said...

i might get into some art forgery or con artistry

Anonymous said...

This is a really interesting post and I should've commented on it sooner, but I couldn't come up with anything really cool.

One time crime? Some super-sweet, intricately devised heist a la Ocean's Eleven. My heist, however, would not be followed by a mediocre sequel.

Persistent crime? I really dig the cat burglar idea, but being a professional killer or mercenary would be interesting, just for all the wacky hijinks that would ensue at high school reunions. Also, being a record industry executive would have its perks, though I'd be unable to look at myself in the mirror.

Actually, when I try and think of anything I'd want to do continually, I keep thinking, nah, I'd feel too guilty about what I was doing to other people. Sheesh! What a wimp! I guess there's no persistent criminal behavior I'm longing to get into. Alas.