Tuesday, February 15, 2005

The Tick

I'm not sure if anyone remembers that old cartoon network show, The Tick, but it was pretty good stuff. It reminds me of an old comic book Dan and I used to read called Flaming Carrot. Both Flaming Carrot and The Tick are for lack of a better word bizarro.

I think that's what we liked about them, how off-the-wall they were. We were a bit off-the-wall ourselves. In fact, we created our own writing style a la Existentialism, called Literature of the Bizarre (though we later changed the name to trahison des clercs -- treason of the intellectuals).

I might post one of our stories some time. I'd like that.

For now I'll settle for a few Tick quotes and links to some of my favorite paintings, randomly inserted.

"I don't know the meaning of the word surrender! I mean, I know it, I'm not dumb...just not in this context."

"Yeah, the first patrol is usually pretty quiet. Your average villain prefers the cover of night. You get the occasional evil morning person but rarely before seven. I don't know why that is. By seven-thirty, eight o'clock, evil is wide awake. But we're even wider! We've been up since six-thirty!"

"Remember yesterday Arthur? I'd hand you something, you might hand me something back. I would scratch my nose, you could scratch your nose. You could scratch my nose, I could scratch your nose. Oh there was much nose scratching and much rejoicing, now look...Alas!"

(And a haiku...)

"Below I dream of fish, above me wretched siblings prance in sequins."

...of course, these are only a few of my favorite paintings. I'll include more as they come to me. Also, I really wanted to find Michelangelo's sculptures of the unfinished slaves trapped in stone.